Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Foggy mirror

Cold brown tile on warm wet feet
After the days dirt and despair
Drown off down steel snake necks
The pale steam rises seducing
The crystal covered blade on the wall

Through the cloud you stare
Watching the shadowy figure form
Unnoticeable you match the cut of hair
The length of nose and frame of face
Blurred in the embarrassed rain drops
A condensation of tears

One day a long time ago this picture
Did not bother or make sense to you
The air of youthful indifference realized
Then one day you saw a reflection
In the eyes of your heart’s playground
That left you standing their naked
On the first day of school, cut up and bruised
With no one caring enough to help or laugh

The playground used to so fun
And you used to be king of the hill
Now you are a resident of the condensation
Looking and hoping the liquid specks
Reflect the person you hoped you were

You wipe your soul’s window
And see yourself standing naked
With the same cuts and bruises
Covered over with invisible scars
You still try to cover them up
Hoping that only you can see them
But knowing as soon as you enter
That playground your skin will
Open up and cry red again

Sometimes you wish you can look on that blade
And see what the other people see
Not knowing the damage that is already there

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