Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year

Before I get overly sentimental for a year that was pretty shitty, let's look forward to next year. What will it bring? I am hoping the biggest most wonderfulest thing it shall bring is for me to learn from my mistakes. At my age, a whopping 25, I know what my downfalls have been so far. I know what some of my strengths are as well. I think one of my strengths is that I am not afraid to leap out on faith, however, on the flip side I am painfully shy when it comes to situations that are familiar, but are uncomfortable. I also know that one of my biggest weaknesses is that I have great ideas but i have problems with seeing them to the end. I have let life and the unwillingness for sacrifice hinder my dreams. No more I say, no more. Let all that read this hear my outcry. NO FRIGGIN MORE.... The more I let life get in the way, the more I stop living life the way I want to and since we are only gifted with one life (as far as i know), why not take advantage of it.

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