Tuesday, September 29, 2009


What lesson can be learned
What dream can be found
What pain can be stopped
What joy can be lived

Days gone playing in rewind
Staring at the white dusty fan
On the ceiling
Feeling blocked like the stars
Staring at the white dusty fan
On the ceiling

Not connected to the world
Traveling slower than time
While the black cloud of fear
Creeps up my neck’s back
Being absorbed by
Freshly lotioned skin

Indigo terror, everything darker
The sun is so cold, but the nights
Are colder, lonelier, more quiet
Leaves only me to hear myself
Future demons rising, yanking,
Tearing parts of me away, leaving
Me empty, emptier than usual

Silence, be still my heart
Listen to the bottle of aspirin
Dance with it, my last love

We lay on quilted sheets
Staring up at the white
Dusty fan as the world
Slowly turns to black

Questions linger as parental
Chess pieces move into the room
Wooden and marble tears
Etch the faces as they watch
Their knight lost in the game

(I just found this poem I wrote it in 2007)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Far from You

Like the bright red torrent
swirling around number 5
watching over our dim green world
I am far, distant away
from anything resembling
that emotional strangle
the pleasant asphyxiation
associated with the carnal desire
the sunshine in the rain
that so many people find it so easy
to be in, to live in
to breathe in, as i choke
and cough and spit up parts of my lung
trying to run, to escape
this knife that could kill the old me
and phoenix flame respawn me
into something more caring
more thoughtful, more selfless
more able to look in your eyes
and say four letters that
have sunk ships, destroyed countries
and made some of the most beautiful
art and music the world has ever seen
but again it avoids me, or i avoid it
like a flu during the summer
hoping that if i have enough hand sanitizer
that virus laden ring never
takes a hold of my hand

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Black Enough

Since about the age of 5
When rice crispies covered in koolaid made smile
And  clouds made bunnies and jets in the sky
You told me that I wasn’t black enough
You told me that my grades in English class
And on sol tests were not good enough
You told me that being smart is trash
And that you should do like all the other boys
Did and want to, wish for, and hope to play a sport
You said that my pants weren’t dangling
Low like mandingos tip, sag lower , sag lower you said
Even though that breeze that snuck up the creak of my cheeks
Never did feel quite right to me
You said that this music is what makes you
You have to talk with a swang, and walk like you’re the thang
And make sure that your hardcore all the fucking time
And I tried, but you never quite believed me
Said that I was uppity and white
An oreo and not the good kind that is in a Dairy Queen blizzard
It hurt me, like a knife through my culture
Right through to my race that I kept in my heart
The unmistakeable feeling of eyes on me
In electronic shops and Korean clothing stores
The look that teachers gave me the first day of class
When I plopped down swagfull in the middle of the class
That slowly disappeared as I raised my hand
Over and over again, slaying questions
Like Lancelot and dragons
The first choice in PE when football season came around
Little did they know that I sucked
It hurt and hurt and scarred and scarred
Until I left
Leaving the catacombs of high school and adventuring
Into the field of college
Where I learned abolitionist rhymes
And King descendent cultures
Where a black president was possible
And white people weren’t as different as I was
And black people weren’t as different as I felt
Where judgment by the color of one’s skin
In a different culture is different
That we could as easily be accepted or rejected
By our accent than the color of our skin
That you are less black for not knowing
That there is an exit to cultural structure
That we are only hear through our minds
That the physical is a restraint that can be surpassed
Where being black meant nothing more
Than being me