Thursday, April 16, 2009

How many loves can there be?

I started off with a flip of the coin

Her hair black roses wilted in the sun

We came together through the electricity in our skins

A mistake, a regret, a grievance that i can never take back

Like the auric bee I moved on to the next

A de-valued daisy that bloomed in the pit of my loneliness

Not an exotic flower in clandestine mud

But a common weed in all its glory

I can still see the leaves, gold with rain dripping

Beautiful in its own way, specially

When her pollen came to meet my body

Like the gilded bee I moved on to the next

Daffodil, tulips, buttercups, lilies, belladonnas

irises, sunflowers, poinsettias, lavender, dahlias,

flaxes, callas, lotuses, orchids, hyacinths and desert roses

I tasted them all, stopping, tasting on their nectar,

kissing their petals and admiring their stems

they all bathed me in their beauty

but i never stayed long enough

i always flew back to the hive satisfied

and by myself, pollen still clinging to my memory

still like the amber bee i moved on

past the flowers, to the trees, to their fruit

tasting their apples, oranges, grapes, bananas

their pineapples, cherries and star-fruit

trying to find the thing that I missed with the flowers

hoping that they treat me better

hoping that they can fill the void

in my heart, mind, soul and body

hoping that i can finally feel completed

even if only for a moment

bucheon street 068

Sunday, April 12, 2009

And now for something beautiful

thailand 215 Thailand…how i miss thee so.


We walk hand in hand down the darkly lit path

you pull me further and further

watching the scream from my eyes

get louder and louder

You never let go

you never let me stop and stay

for longer than a moment

always just a memory

until i forget and the path

fades from view


Why do moments fade so quickly?