Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Out of
A constant occurance
In the face of the future

When the alarm rings twice
Hoping that you can sleep away
The purples and reds of the violent morning sun
Shining on where you should have been

No clean lick of fire
On socked toes
Entombed under white cotton covers
Of your own regret made dull

Will I make

Myself drown

Friday, November 11, 2011

Career, religion and sexuality

                It has been months since my last entry into anything that could be called my passion. However, the further away I get from it the more I think that I am just grabbing on to something so that I can say my life wasn’t for naught. I go to work every day with the need for money and some satisfaction, I return home with money. The more I work and gain knowledge of what I am doing the more I get dissatisfied from it. Why is that? Am I sabotaging myself like I have done many times before by not giving something my all so that if I fail at it I know I didn’t try my best? Am I going through the motions because I feel as if this is what I am supposed to do to be an adult? I look at my parents and my aunts and uncles for guidance; however, it doesn’t seem that they know the answer.

 My aunt has worked her entire life dutifully and for her family. She amassed a comfortable amount of wealth, respect in her field and even was able to provide for people outside of her circle. But is she truly happy? From an observational perspective, I would say no. Maybe it was the retirement or the loss of power, whatever it was it seems like there is a piece missing. My mother is another example. She has done well in her field and makes a good amount of money. However, there also seems like there is something missing in her professional life. On the other hand, my father is an example of someone that made due with his profession and is personally happy in it. Albeit my father’s personality would do well in any field where he had to interact with people. How he managed to grasp on to an opportunity by chance and find comfort in it, I am not sure, but again with his outgoing personality and positivity he may have been destined to just be happy.

The best example of someone that carved out their own personal happiness is my other aunt. She pursued her dream no matter how broke or how trying it was. And here lies my problem.  Statistically she had a very low chance of winding up within her field, able to support herself and able to reach the high level that she is. And as soon as I wrote that last line I realized three extremely important things. One, I have never seen any statistics published about people who pursue their dream doggedly and their rate of success.  Two, I have based my notions on my own preconceived fears, the published rates of unemployment. And three, there is a dogma that has been ingrained in my head, from I don’t know where, that there is only room for a few at the top (defining top non-withstanding).

Why is it so easy to believe that you will fail before you even try? What part of the mental insecurity that we hold onto allows us to ignore what is in our hearts? I know that I can feel, and I am going to extend this to everyone, when something we have been told or something that we believe is erroneous. Why don’t we correct this, what is stopping us? Why can we hold ourselves back so easily from seeking and believing the truth that is so clear in front of our eyes? I think the complexity of human thought is what lays these traps for us. Humans not only have to deal with empirical facts, but also emotional realizations and opinions based out of the subconscious that we cannot even begin to explain. This may sound as an excuse and for all intents and purposes it is, however, I think realizing it is the first step to changing ourselves. If we can cut out the excuses we can take the first step in trying to be the person that we want to be. A very smart group of people once told me that “Excuses are the tools of the incompetent”, and then tasked me to define the difference between a reason and an excuse. As gray as the line is between the two, there only seemed to be one difference; excuses are things that you can go around, while a reason is something you need divine intervention, or in other words something that is totally out of your hands.

I spoke of truth earlier in this passage which brings me to a similar but different topic than that of career, truth in yourself.  I through a period of self-discovery have found out two things about myself. The first is that I don’t believe in organized religion and the second I am not straight. Whether these have had causal effects on each other, I am not sure, but maybe. The thing is it is not god, divinity or a higher being that makes me think otherwise. It is the people. It is the bigotry. It is the pain that has been caused by the institution of religious closed mindedness. It is the absence of empirical fact or emotional self-actualization that annoys me.  To me it seems like the religious fanatics that I meet have so intrinsically taken in the word of other people that may or may not have had their best interests in mind, so much so that they are willing to kill, torture and traumatize anyone who doesn’t share their beliefs. I cannot understand this, so much so that it makes me angry. However, I do understand that the human consciousness is a social and lonely existence that does benefit from feeling a part of something as well as having something to inspire hope. And religion in its true form does inspire hope, it has helped countless groups of people find comfort in otherwise bad situations. Although my natural cynicism points out that most of the bad situations have also been either caused or affirmed by religious zealots and idealists. I believe there may be a higher existence, whether it’s conscious or if it is a combination of life forces that is part of all of us it could exist. I think it would be a shame if it didn’t and we are all a product of chance that we came to be here and that the truly evil will escape punishment after death. However, I cannot say yes or no for a hard fact that it exists. I can say that in a sense all actions that revert the single human condition to something that is not mutually beneficial to all is against the very nature of living, which is the basis of all, dare I say, the true doctrine behind morality. In that, anything that prohibits life from carrying on and staying in harmony is wrong. The argument that animals and plants kill others to live is a valid argument. However, we as humans and arguably of a higher consciousness should be able to tame ourselves enough to better our condition without causing people who are different to experience such difficulties in life. We should also be able to maintain life on our own planet and not drive it to destruction because we are not willing to learn the truths that appear in front of us. Yes we need to question the truths to make sure they are truths, but we also need to read the “writing on the wall”.

Which brings me to my last topic, the writing on my own personal wall. I, to this day, have had 2 serious relationships and truthfully I would only really consider 1 of them to be real. And yes as I said before they were both with men. In high school and college, I met many wonderful ladies that could have made good partners; however, I told myself I was too involved in school, scared of having a kid, or just not ready to have a girlfriend. Again making excuses. Carnally, I had no problem enjoying the pleasures of the flesh with these ladies. However, I do remember that I would constantly be scared of losing my, let’s say, blood flow during these times.  Whether it was the foreshadowing of what was to come or if it was just the manly fear of emasculating oneself, I will never truly know. I think when one comes of age they try to define themselves through the construct of their environment. I, as a black (multi-racial) man, was trying to live up to the virility and machismo that was associated with the territory. In some aspects I did, in others I didn’t. In dealing with women, there always seemed to be something that I was missing in my feelings towards them. Physically I was cool with them and did find them alluring; however, emotionally I was never quite there. I alwasy had this little bee, buzzing in my ear that it wouldn’t work out or that I really wasn’t into it. Maybe this was my lack of experience with the opposite sex when it comes to dating or just the seeds growing or rooted in my current sexuality. I lean towards the roots, but one can never be so sure when it comes to this topic. Of the mass of ladies that I was involved with, I don’t remember any of them stirring my feelings like my ex-boyfriend. And yes, that relationship has ended, and yes I have been confronted on having residual feelings even though I was the one that ended it, and yes I am still questioning the feelings because of lack of experience, but anyways they were there and they were real. I had this moment of clairvoyance that I never believed before that I could be happy with someone and not doubt it at least for a moment.  There are things that I need to work on so that I can take the good with the bad for the right person, however, the realization that you may not always feel alone is a powerful thing. It is a feeling that someone should not be able to take away or to shame. The whole LGBT crowd knows they are different than their heterosexual counterparts, that part is obvious. They don’t know and won’t until they have experienced firsthand is that they can be happy, that the shouldn’t be ashamed to feel the way they do and that although it will be hard and can be depressing they will one day accept themselves.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Foggy mirror

Cold brown tile on warm wet feet
After the days dirt and despair
Drown off down steel snake necks
The pale steam rises seducing
The crystal covered blade on the wall

Through the cloud you stare
Watching the shadowy figure form
Unnoticeable you match the cut of hair
The length of nose and frame of face
Blurred in the embarrassed rain drops
A condensation of tears

One day a long time ago this picture
Did not bother or make sense to you
The air of youthful indifference realized
Then one day you saw a reflection
In the eyes of your heart’s playground
That left you standing their naked
On the first day of school, cut up and bruised
With no one caring enough to help or laugh

The playground used to so fun
And you used to be king of the hill
Now you are a resident of the condensation
Looking and hoping the liquid specks
Reflect the person you hoped you were

You wipe your soul’s window
And see yourself standing naked
With the same cuts and bruises
Covered over with invisible scars
You still try to cover them up
Hoping that only you can see them
But knowing as soon as you enter
That playground your skin will
Open up and cry red again

Sometimes you wish you can look on that blade
And see what the other people see
Not knowing the damage that is already there

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blood Lines

Are you a Capulet or a Montague, a Smith or a Combs? A surname is but the name of the rose, but do all roses smell as sweet. Before this Shakespeare foray becomes a long winded mess, I will ask this simple question: What makes family? Since the beginning of the ability to recognize one’s parents the idea that one has a family has been a founding block of society. It digs deep into our roots that one has a parent, a grandparent, an uncle, a cousin, etc; but, what does that actually mean. How many of us have family members that we don’t really consider family? How many of us feel the need to be connected to people that we may or may not like because supposedly we have similar blood running through our veins? Do we capitulate into the arms of what we have learned or do we make our own course?

Families in these days and times are becoming less close than they were in previous periods of history. Whether it is blamed on the destabilization of the household, the destabilization of male/female roles or maybe even the decreased birthrate in the US that is causing smaller families, whatever it is families are becoming smaller and less connected. However, is this a bad thing. Family can be the largest strain on oneself From financial woes to acceptance, the pressure that can be put on oneself can be significant. However, it also can be the most supportive thing. How different is the family that we have and the family that we choose? The more I think about this, the more I think that, although, there is a blood bond between family members, the family that we choose is just as important. If one bonds with someone through experience, chance or choice, it can be stronger than that of blood. That bond can also have more of your own interest in mind then someone of your own kin. Those who lean to heavy on the bonds of blood are not deserving of that bond. A bond no matter what, should be a mutual relationship. One that would withstand hardship and one that always tries to be there for you. Memories, feelings and experiences do not get passed through blood, it is our own delusion that makes us create these bonds. In all aspects of our life we should critically analyze the weight of each bond we have and decide whether or not they are a beneficial necessity for us. Our life is too short to be held down by those who would not help us go forward. Now, I am not saying don’t help people, especially blood, if they need help. I am just saying that even blood bonds should be evaluated.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Love me
Love me
Love me
Like I am leaving tomorrow
Like the clock before summer vacation
Like the last day of winter

for a minute
for an hour
for a lifetime
I will love you
with no remorse
no regret
no hesitation

And when you leave
I will be
the embodiment of pain
the embodiment of despair
the embodiment of emptiness

You fill me
Only you

Monday, June 7, 2010


Standing at the open window
Hoping that it starts to rain
The sun shines way to bright
I close my eyes to escape the pain
I wanted things to be different
I wanted myself to change
But when things got so much harder
All my efforts went down the drain
Standing at the open window
Hoping that it starts to rain
The sun shines way to bright
I close my eyes to escape the pain
No fog, no wind, no snow to hide me
Out in the open like the wings of a crane
Hoping that the lord forgives me
To create this world maybe he's insane
My body doesn't react to warmth or blessing
It sits there dull like a dead lion's mane
Standing at the open window
Hoping my tears can hide in the rain

Monday, May 10, 2010


My wonderful Mother brought up an interesting question while we were enjoying some crab dip at a not so local restaurant. She asked if an alien came down and could remove one of our desires, either our desire for food or our desire for sex, which one we would choose.  And if anyone knows me my answer of course was take away the taquitos immediately. There is no way I would want to go my life without sex, in which my dad echoed my sentiment. However, my sister was on the fence and my mother said take away sex. Although a gender commentary or even a discussion of the significance of sex in a relationship or for pleasure is necessary, it will not be delved into today. I’d rather go into something a little more broad such as how much our desires play into our everyday terms of happiness.

I was reading a book a few months ago called The Traveler. It was about people who could transcend our reality and see the nuances of our life from different perspectives. One thing that stood out to me was that they called our reality that of desire; where we constantly want things and try to stuff the holes in our existence with things, people or ideas. How much does it really take for us to be happy? And is happiness only a fleeting emotion that we shouldn’t try to attain every day? What is the difference between happiness and contentment? How can sadness be so sustainable, but happiness be so fleeting?

For all purposes we will define content as not wanting more or less and happiness as a state of joy. So what do we need to be content; a good job, plenty of food, maybe some good sex, and maybe good people around us. However, when we reach a point in our life that we have that, why do some people always want more. Then this makes us wonder what we need to be happy. Are humans naturally greedy, do we always know that there is probably something better out there and is that better feeling happiness?  Is that why a person cheats in a good relationship? Is that why people strive for power? Is that why people try to amass wealth? I think the heart of American culture is that people always want something better. And I think if given the chance, this would be played out globally. So in a sense, yes, I am saying that human nature is to want more.

Maybe this is where our need for religion, rules and authority come in. I think another intrinsic part of humanity is for us to fight against our nature, to have ideas and beliefs that we are again more than we are, animals.  Our brains make us rationalize our desires, or our want for things and because of this rationalization we need to have something that culturally and socially makes sense.  No one wants to be ostracized for their desires. For example, the desire for sex is natural; however, the performance of it in all aspects is what we try to control. It becomes a political and social trial of what is right.  If we took out the political aspect of sex and were free to love those we choose (minus those that can be a detriment to growing up ie. Pedophilia) would be happier or more content? We generally create all the things that make us unhappy. So it is up to us to figure out how within our desires we can make ourselves content and/or sustainably happy. One can be on earth and be in hell at the same time.